Paper references use of our VSM for electromagnetic acoustic transducer study

Article examines performance of M81-SSM’s hybrid lock-in amplifier technology

Read our app brief on the M81-SSM’s seamless autoranging technique

How to better characterize 2D materials with large contact resistance

About the patented technology of the M81-SSM system

Read our paper on how to choose the right lock-in amplifier

App brief: noise performance for samples measured in our 8600 Series VSM

How do you know which cryostat is right for you?

New app note on T- FORC measurements using our 8600 Series VSM

Read our guide on how to identify and manage external noise

M81-SSM measurement techniques: Watch the video demos

Watch our new M81-SSM video demo

Paper references M81-SSM use for Hall, magnetoresistance measurements

Read our latest app note on low moment measurements using our VSM

App note on how to acquire and analyze quantum Hall effect data

New app brief on variable temperature sheet resistance measurements

New paper on how to deal with the high cost of helium

Join us for an upcoming device characterization webinar

App note on very low-moment measurement capabilities of 8600 Series VSM

Paper details use of 8600 VSM for FORC analysis of nanostructured ferrites

New app brief: FIR vs. IIR filtering for faster lock-in measurements

A very interesting paper: Lake Shore VSM aids in archaeomagnetic dating study

Version 2.0 VSM software released

Measurement performance of our new 10-inch VSM — read the app note

New app note on use of M81-SSM to minimize common-mode noise interference

Lake Shore 8600 Series VSM used for magnetic ceramics research

Special guests of Lake Shore Cryotronics this week

New app note on sensitive EQE characterization measurements

Overcoming the challenges of cryogenic magnetic field measurements

How does a demagnetizer work? YouTuber uses our teslameter to find out

FastHall Station aids wide-bandgap semiconductor research at Georgia Tech

8600 Series VSM used for magnetic micro-robot as well as Wiegand wire research

Why is my dilution refrigerator not getting to base temperature?

The lock-in amplifier explained and reimagined

Read our 'Low-Level Measurements of Nanostructures' tech note

Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements using our MCS-EMP or 8600 VSM

The technology behind the M81-SSM’s precise signal synchronization

What are the differences between pulse tube and Gifford-McMahon cryocoolers?

Now taking orders for our new synchronous source measure system — watch the video

‘Practical Magnetism’ article notes the control capabilities of our VSM for FORC analysis

CAD models now available for our temperature sensors

In Memorium: Scott Griffith (1972 – 2021)

Lake Shore scientist co-editor of book on magnetic measurement techniques

New paper references the use of 8600 Series VSM for magnetofossil research

New RTForc™ software for calculating, displaying FORC distributions in real-time as FORC data using the 8600 Series VSM

APL Materials article references the use of AC field Hall measurement for perovskite R&D

Nov. 16 webinar on multi-carrier Hall analysis of low-mobility materials

Lake Shore acquires Janis Research Laboratory Cryogenics business

New Hall effect measurement technical note

How to use an M91 FastHall measurement controller with a PPMS

July 10 is Helium Conservation Day

Probe station app note discusses and compares wafer mounting methods

New app note on vector VSM measurements available for download

Upcoming webinar on cryogenic sensor installation techniques

New resource available: Hall Effect Measurement Handbook

Follow us now on Instagram

Proud to be part of the 'most complex spacecraft ever made'

8425 system used for anomalous Hall effect study of graphene/magnetic nanoparticle device

Magneto-optics research with reference to a Lake Shore VSM

New video: 'Introduction to Hall Effect Measurement'

Avoid buyer's remorse — evaluate product specs with a critical eye

Fundamentals of magnetic measurement

Case study on investigation of planar Hall effect in a cryogenic environment

FastHall™ measurement controller now available to order – watch the first look video

Save time and money testing complex magnets

Now available to order: 2Dex™ plug-and-play Hall sensors

AZONano article on new FastHall measurement controller

Cryogenic probe stations used for 2D van der Waals heterostructure characterization

Paleoclimatic research: Lake Shore VSM used for FORC analysis of lake sediment samples

Lake Shore teslameter featured in YouTuber's video

Model 372 used in characterization of ultra-quantum metal

AC field Hall for measuring small Hall voltages in nanoscale devices

Data buffering feature for F71/F41 teslameters

See us in Germany and the U.K. next week

New video: How a DC current and voltage source works

8600 Series VSM FORC measurements in support of nanocrystal research

New F71/F41 teslameters: watch the quick-look video

Hysteresis loop analysis software available for rock magnetism VSM research

How the MeasureReady™ 155’s in-phase AC reference benefits small AC signal measurements

High-temperature, wafer-level capacitance measurement app note available

8600 Series plot book available for download

Hall mobility measurements for p-type TCO research explored in new paper

App note on use of new parametric probes for accurate C-V measurements

Q&A with MeasureReady™ 155 Developers, Part 3: Design 'Firsts' & Low-Noise Excitation Capabilities

New paper on the use of FORC measurements for multiphase magnetic systems

Q&A with MeasureReady™ 155 Developers, Part 2: Touchscreen Design & User Testing

Holiday greetings from Lake Shore

Q&A with MeasureReady™ 155 Developers, Part 1: Conceptualizing the Ultimate Current/Voltage Source

Video demo highlighting ease of use, measurement speed of 8600 Series VSM

New paper on use of Cernox & platinum sensors for particle accelerator project

Watch the new ‘first-look’ video about our MeasureReady™ 155 Precision I/V Source

Optimizing circuit setup in electronic device testing

CPX-VF probe station used for CNT-based RF bolometer development research

Preventing magnetic interference in electronic device measurement

Avoiding ground loops in electronic device measurements

New parametric probe options for cryogenic probe stations

Preventing AC leakage current in electronic device measurement

Farewell, Cassini! Lake Shore sensors and learning about Saturn

New paper on use of high-temperature FORCs for magnetic nanocomposite material research

Why low noise matters for I-V measurement of electronic devices

New ring magnet kit option for probe stations

Measurement speed critical for FORC measurements

App note on use of Model 372 scanners for either ultra-low temperature or resistance measurements

Advancing science for water purification

Sensor packaging information expanded on

Model CPX for superconducting microwave device research

From the Lake Shore Cryotronics Museum

Now available: New VSM app note and FORC ebook for download

Helpful tips to reduce liquid helium cryogen consumption

Cryogenic sensors for monitoring in superconducting RF cavities of linacs

Holiday Schedule

Now offering expedited recalibration service for gaussmeters and Hall probes

Evaluation kits available for Model 240 input modules

New article and app note on sensor wire length of 240 Series modules

Update to FORC Workshop

How gaussmeters are being used in biomedical research

Virginia Tech team unveils Hyperloop pod design

Looking ahead to next month’s FORC Workshop

Advancing science through our internship program

Lake Shore scientist elected to CSA technical board

Lake Shore customer featured on Chinese TV

New video presentation on using cryogenic probe stations for device R&D

Cryogenic monitoring in Fermilab’s Muon g-2 application

Advancing a HyperLoop pod design at Virginia Tech

More about the Model 372’s unique noise-rejection technology

Register now for the 2nd Annual FORC Workshop in New Orleans

Lake Shore exhibiting at three conferences next week

Drivers for Keysight B1500A/Lake Shore probe station integration now available

New suitcase option for CPX, CPX-VF, and CRX-VF probe stations

NETL researcher and Lake Shore collaborator receives PECASE award

Spotlight on the innovators at DMPI

New pricing for temperature controller/option card packages

SoftCal: when full sensor calibration isn’t required

New quick look videos on the Model 325 and the Model 224

Sensor outgassing test data available

Pro Tip: Where to mount a cryogenic temperature sensor

Hall probe selection guide — give us your input

Lake Shore to attend ITER conference in Europe next week

Lake Shore provides AC Hall measurements for PEC material research

Cryogenic probing in 2D electronic material research

Paper examines conjugated polymer processing technique that allows for Hall mobility measurements

Holiday greetings from Lake Shore

Advancing experimental fusion reactor research at the W7-X

Meeting report on FORC Workshop published

Now a Solutions Partner of Keysight Technologies

How magnetometers are being used in biomedical research

For extra sensor protection – and reach – consider a specialty temperature probe

How VSMs and AGMs work: watch the short videos

Videos of FORC Workshop presentations available for viewing

Scenes from last week’s FORC Workshop in Minnesota

Lake Shore to present sensor mechanical and shock test results at CEC/ICMC

An additional benefit of the Hall low resistance measurement option

Advancing science begins in high school

Model 372 AC resistance bridge/temperature controller—watch the video

Paper outlines benefits of Cernox™ for high-energy physics applications

The benefits of using a Lake Shore/Radiant characterization solution

New VSM analysis software available for magnetocaloric measurements

Different heat treatment annealing processes and their effect on Hall mobility

Lake Shore named one of Top Workplaces in central Ohio

Driver available from Keithley for automating Lake Shore probe station temperature control

Looking at ITER: the next multi-national megaproject in the works

International representatives new Lake Shore

Lake Shore wins SBA award, is named district’s Exporter of the Year

Some interesting new OSU research on how phonons react to magnetic field

Lake Shore Recognized as Healthiest Employer of Central Ohio

Lake Shore, as seen at SEMICON China

Uniquely configured probe station at University of Southampton’s Centre for Photonic Metamaterials

Article highlights FORC analysis of multi-phase ferrite magnets

Lake Shore teams with Cascade Microtech on cryogenic probe station solutions

Lake Shore sponsored FORC workshop to be held at University of Minnesota in July

App note examines low resistance measurements of metals in 8400 Series HMS

Lake Shore President & CEO Named Westerville Business Person of the Year

As seen this week: some interesting paleomagnetic news out of Cambridge

Advancing research of more efficient light emitting diode technology

Need guidance on how to land a probe? Watch our videos.

New magnetocaloric measurement article in Magnetics Business & Technology

A look at another temperature-dependent probing application for PZT devices

Postcard from Hawaii

While supplies last: heavily discounted cards for our Model 340 controller

Two proven designs united: the Model 8425 DC Hall system with cryogenic probe station

New AC resistance bridge and temperature controller now available

First-order-reversal-curve analysis of magnetic multilayer films and permanent magnet materials

Interview with Daniel Hoy, Manufacturing Engineer at Lake Shore

Follow-up: TechConnect FORC paper now available as download

What the APS and others are doing to help with LHe procurement costs

Some interesting THz-based detector research

Lake Shore EMC talk to focus on THz spectroscopy for ZnO characterization

New probe station application note available

Attending TechConnect World? See our poster session.

Journal paper explores measurements of graphene using 8400 HMS

Journal article highlights VSM-related nanostructured materials research

Moving closer to release of new AC resistance bridge/controller

Lake Shore probe station enables Georgia Tech high-speed chip R&D

Graduate students from The Ohio State University tour Lake Shore

Visit Lake Shore at upcoming Argonne and Brookhaven meetings

Using AC field Hall measurement for determining PEC mobilities

The Value of Hall Effect Sensors in a Range of Devices

Reacting to the Recent News From NIF

Research Collaborator Featured in IEEE Microwave Magazine

MicroMag™ VSM/AGM Video Tutorial From the University of Cambridge

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