Paper details use of 8600 VSM for FORC analysis of nanostructured ferrites

Newly published research into a unique class of cobalt ferrites references the use of our 8600 Series VSM for various detailed first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurements to both better understand their underlying magnetic processes and to separate their interaction signatures.

Co-authored by researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and Austria’s Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics along with Lake Shore’s Brad Dodrill, the AIP Advances paper investigates magnetic interactions and reversal mechanisms in the Co-ferrite samples. The researchers, using our Model 8607 VSM at room temperature and building on similar work done in 2022, performed high-resolution FORC analysis of samples at two different stages: after thermal calcination and following annealing, with the ferrites at a spinodal decomposed state. Specifically, they performed standard FORC measurements as well as used FORC analysis to determine exchange interactions between magnetic phases with unique coercivities, particularly as observed in annealed samples (VARIFORC freeware was used to produce FORC diagrams from data acquired by the 8607). 

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As noted by the authors, “This work presents the first detailed magnetic characterization of magnetic interactions in a nanostructured cobalt ferrite, and provides an example of magnetic characterization of nanostructured ferrites using FORC.”

Read the full paper here.

For more examples of FORC measurements performed using our 8600 system, download our plot book.

Download our 8600 Series Plot Book

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Tags: magnetic measurements, vibrating sample magnetometer, first order reversal curve (FORC)

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