App brief: noise performance for samples measured in our 8600 Series VSM

On our website, we talk about the measurement capabilities of our 8600 Series VSM and how the system is designed with a low noise floor, and being highly sensitive, it enables very low magnetic moments to be measured with an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Similarly, in an earlier application note discussing the VSM’s sensitivity and measurement speed, we presented measured RMS noise data for the VSM as a function of pole gap and signal averaging.

Lake Shore VSM Sample Noise Measurement App BriefFor more information about how the 8600 Series excels at minimizing noise during sample measurements, be sure to read our new app brief: “Typical Noise Performance for Samples Measured in 8600 Series VSM with Single‑Stage Variable Temperature (SSVT) Option.”

Specifically, for the measurements described in the brief, we used a trace amount of ceramic magnet. This sample was chosen because its magnetic moment is small enough to demonstrate different noise levels for different measurement averaging times but also large enough to produce a still usable measurement with the shortest average time.

Presenting the data this way, we hope to give users a better understanding of how averaging and noise influence actual sample measurements.

Read the 8600 Series App Brief


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Tags: vibrating sample magnetometer, magnetic material characterization, applications brief

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