M81-SSM measurement techniques: Watch the video demos

In the videos below, Lake Shore’s Jason Chonko demonstrates some measurement techniques using our M81-SSM synchronous source measure system, including techniques for advanced noise-rejection [...]

New app brief: FIR vs. IIR filtering for faster lock-in measurements

When characterizing a device, you often look for a small response to some sort of stimulus, such as AC current. But frequently, this is being done in the presence of a DC offset as well as a lot of [...]

The lock-in amplifier explained and reimagined

Measurement of electrical signals, voltage, and current is one of the most important methods used by researchers to characterize electronic materials. But electrical signals are often at very low [...]

Read our 'Low-Level Measurements of Nanostructures' tech note

The study of new semiconducting materials, high temperature superconductors, photovoltaic devices, and organic electronic materials typically requires low-level sourcing and measurement because the [...]

More about the Model 372’s unique noise-rejection technology

Model 372 AC bridge and temperature controller

It’s been over a year since Lake Shore introduced the Model 372, the successor to our widely popular Model 370 AC resistance bridge. We are pleased to [...]

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