Watch our new M81-SSM video demo

This new video discusses the unique measurement capabilities of our M81-SSM, a complete transport characterization system that integrates DC + AC sourcing and measuring — including lock-in detection [...]

Join us for an upcoming device characterization webinar

Various steps go into accurately characterizing new devices, especially when measuring electrical signals, voltage, and current. Our upcoming July 20 MRS webinar will cover these steps, discussing [...]

New app brief: FIR vs. IIR filtering for faster lock-in measurements

When characterizing a device, you often look for a small response to some sort of stimulus, such as AC current. But frequently, this is being done in the presence of a DC offset as well as a lot of [...]

New app note on use of M81-SSM to minimize common-mode noise interference

If you're planning to perform low-level electrical measurements in a low-temperature environment, such as to characterize samples in a cryostat or dilution refrigerator, then this new app note may be [...]

The lock-in amplifier explained and reimagined

Measurement of electrical signals, voltage, and current is one of the most important methods used by researchers to characterize electronic materials. But electrical signals are often at very low [...]

The technology behind the M81-SSM’s precise signal synchronization

One of the most unique features of our new modular MeasureReady™ M81-SSM synchronous source measure system is its patent-pending MeasureSync™ signal synchronization technology. This real-time [...]

Now taking orders for our new synchronous source measure system — watch the video

We are excited to now be taking customer orders for our new MeasureReady™ M81 Synchronous Source Measure (SSM) System — a unique, modular low-level measurement system that simplifies the setup and [...]

New resource available: Hall Effect Measurement Handbook

If you’re interested in learning more about Hall effect measurements, be sure to download our new Hall Effect Measurement Handbook: A Fundamental Tool for Semiconductor Material Characterization.

New video: 'Introduction to Hall Effect Measurement'


There's a new addition to the Lake Shore Academy: "How Does it Work?" video education series. This introduction to [...]

AZONano article on new FastHall measurement controller

Rob Ellis, our VP of Strategic Planning, recently sat down with AZoNano to discuss how researchers can make their Hall measurement process more efficient with the FastHall™ technology available in [...]

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