Watch our new M81-SSM video demo

This new video discusses the unique measurement capabilities of our M81-SSM, a complete transport characterization system that integrates DC + AC sourcing and measuring — including lock-in detection [...]

Join us for an upcoming device characterization webinar

Various steps go into accurately characterizing new devices, especially when measuring electrical signals, voltage, and current. Our upcoming July 20 MRS webinar will cover these steps, discussing [...]

The technology behind the M81-SSM’s precise signal synchronization

One of the most unique features of our new modular MeasureReady™ M81-SSM synchronous source measure system is its patent-pending MeasureSync™ signal synchronization technology. This real-time [...]

Now taking orders for our new synchronous source measure system — watch the video

We are excited to now be taking customer orders for our new MeasureReady™ M81 Synchronous Source Measure (SSM) System — a unique, modular low-level measurement system that simplifies the setup and [...]

Avoid buyer's remorse — evaluate product specs with a critical eye

Have you ever looked at a product with specifications that seem too good to be true? As it turns out, you may be right. Far too many product specifications are carefully worded to sell units instead [...]

AC field Hall for measuring small Hall voltages in nanoscale devices

We have blogged about the benefits of the AC field Hall measurement method to characterize low-mobility materials. But even when mobilities aren’t very low, the AC method offers an advantage over the [...]

High-temperature, wafer-level capacitance measurement app note available

In this new app note, we explore using a Lake Shore CRX-4K cryogenic probe station equipped with our parametric probes and a high-temperature stage for making wafer-level capacitance-voltage (C-V) [...]

Model CPX for superconducting microwave device research

A new paper slated for publication in the IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society references the utility of a Lake Shore cryogenic probe station when performing superconducting microwave device [...]

New video presentation on using cryogenic probe stations for device R&D

To learn more about temperature-dependent characterization for device research, particularly as it relates to the use of our cryogenic probe stations with the Keysight Technologies B1500A [...]

Advancing research of more efficient light emitting diode technology

With the U.S. Department of Energy’s recent announcement about new funding for solid-state lighting (SSL) R&D, we thought this would be a good time to summarize how Lake Shore systems and instruments [...]

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