Read our guide on how to identify and manage external noise

External noise, also known as interference, introduces measurement error into instrument setups. For numerous research and industrial applications, high measurement precision is required. However, [...]

New paper on how to deal with the high cost of helium

The high cost of helium is a big issue most researchers face. There are a number of reasons why helium is so expensive, and there are a few different strategies for dealing with the high cost. In [...]

Why is my dilution refrigerator not getting to base temperature?

As dilution refrigerator (DR) designs enable temperatures that edge ever closer to absolute zero, the ability to accurately achieve and measure base temperatures becomes an increasing challenge.

CAD models now available for our temperature sensors

Given how small some cryogenic spaces can be, it’s often helpful to model the structure before starting the build. Over the years, we’ve received many requests from people looking for models of our [...]

Lake Shore acquires Janis Research Laboratory Cryogenics business

We are pleased to announce the acquisition of Janis Research’s Laboratory Cryogenics business — a move that unites two of the world’s leading providers of cryogenic and material characterization [...]

Upcoming webinar on cryogenic sensor installation techniques

Interested in knowing more about how to correctly install cryogenic sensors in a cryogenic application and to avoid common installation errors? Then be sure to join us for our June 18 webinar, [...]

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