A paper published recently in the journal Particle & Particle Systems (subscription required) details the use of magnetic characterization supporting research involving the colloidal synthesis of [...]
Here is the final speaker schedule and the topics to be discussed at this Sunday’s 2nd Annual FORC Workshop in New Orleans:
Gaussmeters are frequently used in manufacturing QC and test applications. Another area where we are seeing an increasing amount of use is in the medical field. These instruments are being used not [...]
Congratulations go out to U.S. Department of Energy scientist Dr. Paul Ohodnicki on his receiving of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientist and Engineers (PECASE), the highest honor [...]
Since isolated graphene was first reported in 2004, a lot of two-dimensional (2D) material research has focused on developing the strong, single-atom-thick material for end use in novel electronic [...]
Elliot Scientific customized a Lake Shore probe station with a CRAIC spectrophotometer and a Zeiss microscope for the University of Southampton