Upcoming webinar on cryogenic sensor installation techniques

Sensor Installation WebinarInterested in knowing more about how to correctly install cryogenic sensors in a cryogenic application and to avoid common installation errors? Then be sure to join us for our June 18 webinar, "Cryogenic Temperature Sensors: Installation Techniques for Success."

Hosted by IOP Publishing and presented by Dr. Scott Courts, Lake Shore Senior Scientist/Metrologist, the webinar will cover helpful, practical tips on how to choose the right type of sensor and packaging for a specific application and then summarize best practices for minimizing installation errors and ensuring superior thermalization in a cryogenic installation.

Topics will include:

  • Considerations for choosing a sensor (including resistance to magnetic fields, ionizing radiation, UHV and others)
  • The role of packaging and adapters for shielding, mounting, stability, and optimal thermal contact
  • Considerations for sensor installation (placement, mounting method, materials, electrical connections, heat sinking, thermal contact medium, etc.)
  • A look at the choices for fastening materials, wire leads, thermal mediums and adhesives.

To register for the 10 – 11 a.m. (EDT), June 18 webinar, visit the IOP Physics World webinar page.

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Tags: sensors, how to mount sensors, cryogenic measurement

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