Read our paper on how to choose the right lock-in amplifier

how-to-choose-the-right-lock-in-amplifier-coverLock-in amplifiers are important tools for test engineers and material researchers because of their unique ability to precisely measure signals that are otherwise too small to detect amidst noise and other interfering signals. However, researching and evaluating lock-in types for purchase can be confusing. This new paper aims to simplify selecting and buying a lock-in. It covers:

  • The benefits and standard functions of a lock-in amplifier
  • The different types of lock-in amplifiers
  • Steps involved in evaluating and qualifying a lock-in amplifier
  • How to overcome the learning curve when using lock-in amplifiers
  • Examples where a lock-in amplifier alone may not be the complete solution

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Tags: noise rejection, material characterization, lock-in amplifier

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