New app note on T- FORC measurements using our 8600 Series VSM

First order reversal curve (FORC) measurements provide information regarding magnetic interactions and coercivity distributions that cannot be obtained from hysteresis loop measurements alone. Temperature FORC (T-FORC) measurements take this capability further. They extend the FORC measurement and analysis protocol to magnetic materials that exhibit thermal hysteresis, such as for determining magnetoelastic or magnetostructural phase transitions as a function of temperature.

cover2This new app note, written by Lake Shore Cryotronics in collaboration with Victorino Franco and Luis M. Moreno-Ramirez of the Univ. of Seville, discusses T-FORC measurement techniques and analysis and presents results for a magnetocaloric (NiMnSi)0.66(Fe2Ge)0.34 alloy sample. All measurement results presented were recorded using our Model 8607 VSM with either an 86‑CRYO or 86‑SSVT variable temperature option, and the data were analyzed using Lake Shore’s RTForc™ software.

Read the T-FORC App Note

Attending next week’s ICM in Italy? Be sure to see a related T-FORC poster presentation at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in Room 19 of the conference hall. Cosmin Radu of Lake Shore, a co-author of the app note, and Victorino Franco will be co-presenting. 

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Tags: application note, vibrating sample magnetometer, first order reversal curve (FORC)

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