We blogged earlier about a paper referencing the use of the 8600 Series VSM for first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurements for magnetofossil research. On a related topic, we’d like to call attention to a recent article published in The IRM Quarterly that also references the utility of our VSM for rock magnetism studies involving FORCs.
The article, co-authored by Ramon Egli of Austria’s Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics and Dario Bilardello of the Univ. of Minnesota’s Institute for Rack Magnetism, provides practical guidance on understanding FORC signatures for the different domain states in samples. It specifically discusses the amount of control capabilities of our VSM, stating:
The typical stabilization time for electromagnet-based VSM is of the order of 1 s. Shorter values of tr introduce artifacts along the left limit of the FORC space (Bc = 0), which might be confused with the vertical ridge caused by thermal relaxation effects (Pike et al., 2001). A more robust control of the VSM behaviour at Br is possible with the new Lake Shore 8600 VSM, including the complete avoidance of field overshooting problems (Egli, 2021; Wagner et al., 2021), as well as the ability of reaching fields >2.5 T.
Our latest version release (V1.50) for the VSM improves upon existing FORC measurement and analysis functions with the inclusion of Real-Time FORC (RTForc™) software for fully automated FORC data acquisition and real-time display of the 2D FORC diagram.
Read more about our VSM. And for more about FORC measurements, read our ebook: