In large-scale high-energy physics applications, cryogenic monitoring electronics have traditionally been placed close to the temperature sensors, mainly because of the very small signals used to reduce the effect of self-heating in the measurements. However, this can be troublesome in applications where high radiation doses can be expected in the vicinity of the sensor.
During the development of our new 240 Series input modules, Lake Shore Cryotronics targeted a maximum sensor wire length of 1000 ft (305 m) to allow electronics to be kept in a location far away from the sensor and any detrimental environmental effects. In the process of achieving this goal, our engineers discovered many complexities in sending and receiving signals over such long distances. For more on this, read the latest issue of Cold Facts (Vol. 32, No. 5), which on page 14 includes an article written by Ryan Oliver of Lake Shore, as well as a new app note that also details best practices for achieving these separation distances.
To learn more about how the 240 Series modules or other cryogenic temperature monitors might benefit your distributed cryogenic sensor monitoring application, please contact