Lake Shore exhibiting at three conferences next week

Next week will be a busy one for us, with three events on our travel schedule:

IMS 2016
The IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in San Francisco (Booth 2348), where Vaden West, Western U.S. Sales Manager, will answer questions about our high-frequency device probing and measurement solutions. We will have two demo units in our booth: our TTPX probe station and our forthcoming terahertz (THz) frequency on-wafer cryogenic probing arm (see the new quick-look video). In related news, Dr. David Daughton, Lake Shore Application Scientist, will present a paper on “Cryogenic Temperature, 2-Port, On-Wafer Characterization at WR-5.1 Frequencies” (Thursday, during the THIF2 interactive forum).

Nanotech 2016
The TechConnect World Nanotech Conference & Exhibit, in Washington, D.C. (Booth 509), where Senior Scientist Brad Dodrill will discuss solutions for nanoscale device and material characterization. He will also present on “High-Temperature First-Order-Reversal-Curve (FORC) Study of Magnetic Nanoparticle Materials” (Wednesday, during the Characterization: Solution Providers session).

Brookhaven Users' Meetings
The Brookhaven National Lab NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users' Meeting, Upton, N.Y. (Table 34). Marshall Calhoun, Eastern U.S. Sales Manager, will showcase Lake Shore’s range of temperature measurement, control, and monitoring solutions, including the 240 Series sensor input modules for monitoring sensors in large, widely distributed PLC-based facilities.

If you are attending any of these, please stop by and say hello.

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Tags: brad dodrill, brookhaven, cryogenic process control, david daughton, electronic device & semiconductor measurement, forc, marshall calhoun, nanotech, news, people, plc, probe stations, thz, vaden west, vibrating sample magnetometer, material characterization

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