FastHall Station aids wide-bandgap semiconductor research at Georgia Tech

A new paper detailing the work of Georgia Tech researchers developing wide-bandgap semiconductor devices references the use of our new FastHall™ measurement technology for validating conductivity [...]

8600 Series VSM used for magnetic micro-robot as well as Wiegand wire research

Two recently published papers highlight the utility of our 8600 Series VSM for magnetic materials research: one in support of the development of a magnetic micro-robot for possible medical [...]

Why is my dilution refrigerator not getting to base temperature?

As dilution refrigerator (DR) designs enable temperatures that edge ever closer to absolute zero, the ability to accurately achieve and measure base temperatures becomes an increasing challenge.

The lock-in amplifier explained and reimagined

Measurement of electrical signals, voltage, and current is one of the most important methods used by researchers to characterize electronic materials. But electrical signals are often at very low [...]

Read our 'Low-Level Measurements of Nanostructures' tech note

The study of new semiconducting materials, high temperature superconductors, photovoltaic devices, and organic electronic materials typically requires low-level sourcing and measurement because the [...]

Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements using our MCS-EMP or 8600 VSM

New from Lake Shore Cryotronics: an installation kit that enables you to easily use a NanOsc Instruments PhaseFMR and PhaseFMR-40 spectrometer with our MeasureReady™ MCS-EMP or 8600 Series VSM [...]

The technology behind the M81-SSM’s precise signal synchronization

One of the most unique features of our new modular MeasureReady™ M81-SSM synchronous source measure system is its patent-pending MeasureSync™ signal synchronization technology. This real-time [...]

What are the differences between pulse tube and Gifford-McMahon cryocoolers?

It’s a question we get often from customers who are evaluating their options for sample cooling: What are the main differences between pulse tube cryocoolers (PT) and Gifford-McMahon cryocoolers (GM)?

Now taking orders for our new synchronous source measure system — watch the video

We are excited to now be taking customer orders for our new MeasureReady™ M81 Synchronous Source Measure (SSM) System — a unique, modular low-level measurement system that simplifies the setup and [...]

‘Practical Magnetism’ article notes the control capabilities of our VSM for FORC analysis

We blogged earlier about a paper referencing the use of the 8600 Series VSM for first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurements for magnetofossil research. On a related topic, we’d like to call [...]

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