8600 Series VSM used for magnetic micro-robot as well as Wiegand wire research

Two recently published papers highlight the utility of our 8600 Series VSM for magnetic materials research: one in support of the development of a magnetic micro-robot for possible medical [...]

Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements using our MCS-EMP or 8600 VSM

New from Lake Shore Cryotronics: an installation kit that enables you to easily use a NanOsc Instruments PhaseFMR and PhaseFMR-40 spectrometer with our MeasureReady™ MCS-EMP or 8600 Series VSM [...]

‘Practical Magnetism’ article notes the control capabilities of our VSM for FORC analysis

We blogged earlier about a paper referencing the use of the 8600 Series VSM for first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurements for magnetofossil research. On a related topic, we’d like to call [...]

Lake Shore scientist co-editor of book on magnetic measurement techniques

A new book slated to be published in late May and co-edited by our own Brad Dodrill is now available for order from Springer Nature.

"Magnetic Measurement Techniques for Materials Characterization" [...]

New paper references the use of 8600 Series VSM for magnetofossil research

A paper just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States describing the study of magnetofossils as environmental change biomarkers references the use of a [...]

New RTForc™ software for calculating, displaying FORC distributions in real-time as FORC data using the 8600 Series VSM

You may already be aware of the 8600 Series VSM’s ability to execute first-order-reversal-curve (FORC) measurements quickly and easily, enabling one to generate FORCs in a fraction of the time it [...]

New app note on vector VSM measurements available for download

If you’re interested in using a vibrating sample magnetometer to measure the vector components of magnetization and torque curves for magnetically anisotropic materials, then be sure to read our [...]

Magneto-optics research with reference to a Lake Shore VSM

A paper published this month on the ASC Photonics website (subscription required) highlights work of University of Minnesota and University of Glasgow, with the assistance of our own Dr. Cosmin Radu, [...]

Paleoclimatic research: Lake Shore VSM used for FORC analysis of lake sediment samples

Paleoclimatology uses various climate “proxies” from the Earth to provide scientists with a means to reconstruct and help determine climatic conditions prior to the modern day taking of instrumental [...]

8600 Series VSM FORC measurements in support of nanocrystal research

A paper published recently in the journal Particle & Particle Systems (subscription required) details the use of magnetic characterization supporting research involving the colloidal synthesis of [...]

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