Paper references use of our VSM for electromagnetic acoustic transducer study

Electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) are widely used in various industries and scientific research applications for non-destructive testing of materials, including those in which they need to [...]

App brief: noise performance for samples measured in our 8600 Series VSM

On our website, we talk about the measurement capabilities of our 8600 Series VSM and how the system is designed with a low noise floor, and being highly sensitive, it enables very low magnetic [...]

New app note on T- FORC measurements using our 8600 Series VSM

First order reversal curve (FORC) measurements provide information regarding magnetic interactions and coercivity distributions that cannot be obtained from hysteresis loop measurements alone. [...]

Read our latest app note on low moment measurements using our VSM

In an earlier published app note, we discussed the sensitivity of the 8600 Series VSM system and presented very low moment measurement results at room temperature.

Paper details use of 8600 VSM for FORC analysis of nanostructured ferrites

Newly published research into a unique class of cobalt ferrites references the use of our 8600 Series VSM for various detailed first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurements to both better understand [...]

A very interesting paper: Lake Shore VSM aids in archaeomagnetic dating study

Published this week in PNAS and reported on by as well as mass media, a new paper describes the use of geomagnetic field data to “reconstruct biblical military campaigns” – an interesting [...]

Version 2.0 VSM software released

We’ve released a new version of software for our 8600 Series VSM system. In addition to numerous improvements for system stability and usability, the 2.0 release features:

Measurement performance of our new 10-inch VSM — read the app note

For researchers requiring higher applied magnetic fields than our 4- and 7-inch 8600 Series VSMs, we now offer a 10-inch electromagnet version (Model 8610). Providing fields as high as 3.6 T (>36 [...]

Lake Shore 8600 Series VSM used for magnetic ceramics research

An AIP Advances article just published online details recent research into a “unique class” of nanocomposite spinel Co-ferrites for which our 8600 Series VSM was used for both magnetometry [...]

Special guests of Lake Shore Cryotronics this week

Visiting us this week in Ohio was Prof. Victorino Franco of the Univ. of Seville (right), shown with Lake Shore’s Brad Dodrill and the book they recently co-edited, “Magnetic Measurement Techniques [...]

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