Read our app brief on the M81-SSM’s seamless autoranging technique

Traditional autoranging techniques often suffer from time and gain correction discontinuities, discouraging users from utilizing autoranging techniques in favor of smooth yet noisier measurements.

How to better characterize 2D materials with large contact resistance

When studying 2D materials, researchers typically fabricate them into Hall bar structures to characterize their electronic and magnetic properties. For such applications, a four-probe longitudinal [...]

About the patented technology of the M81-SSM system

We often describe our M81-SSM synchronous source measure system as being unique, and what helps make it unique are three technology patents we have obtained for it. Here’s how the technologies [...]

Read our paper on how to choose the right lock-in amplifier

Lock-in amplifiers are important tools for test engineers and material researchers because of their unique ability to precisely measure signals that are otherwise too small to detect amidst noise and [...]

App brief: noise performance for samples measured in our 8600 Series VSM

On our website, we talk about the measurement capabilities of our 8600 Series VSM and how the system is designed with a low noise floor, and being highly sensitive, it enables very low magnetic [...]

How do you know which cryostat is right for you?

Embarking on the journey to purchase a research cryostat can be a complex and crucial decision when you have applications where precise temperature control is paramount. A cryostat is an [...]

New app note on T- FORC measurements using our 8600 Series VSM

First order reversal curve (FORC) measurements provide information regarding magnetic interactions and coercivity distributions that cannot be obtained from hysteresis loop measurements alone. [...]

Read our guide on how to identify and manage external noise

External noise, also known as interference, introduces measurement error into instrument setups. For numerous research and industrial applications, high measurement precision is required. However, [...]

M81-SSM measurement techniques: Watch the video demos

In the videos below, Lake Shore’s Jason Chonko demonstrates some measurement techniques using our M81-SSM synchronous source measure system, including techniques for advanced noise-rejection [...]

Watch our new M81-SSM video demo

This new video discusses the unique measurement capabilities of our M81-SSM, a complete transport characterization system that integrates DC + AC sourcing and measuring — including lock-in detection [...]

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