Dr. David Daughton, Applications Scientist at Lake Shore, was interviewed by Materials Today about terahertz materials characterization.
In the interview, Dr. Daughton [...]
Dr. David Daughton, Applications Scientist at Lake Shore, was interviewed by Materials Today about terahertz materials characterization.
In the interview, Dr. Daughton [...]
Dr. Scott Courts is an Applications Scientist at Lake Shore. He received his BS in Physics from Marshall University and his PhD in Physics from The Ohio State University. He has been at Lake Shore [...]
We are not officially announcing it yet—this is just a sneak preview for our blog readers. But, our new current source, the Model 121, is being introduced in June.
We've told you about our new CVT probes in a recent press release, but have you seen our application note for them? Be sure to take a look!
The following video shows some of the quality tests that we performed on our Model 648 power supply. These are tests that were performed with safety to the operator in mind, and are not meant to be [...]
Dr. Bill McGovern is a Scientist at Lake Shore. He received his BS in Chemistry and Engineering Physics from Hope College, and his MS and PhD in Analytical Chemistry from The Ohio State University. [...]
In this five-minute video, Brad Dodrill, Vice President of Sales and Senior Scientist at Lake Shore, provides an overview and introduction of the new MicroMag 2900 Series alternating gradient [...]
Jeff Lindemuth is a senior scientist as Lake Shore, focusing on the development of magnetic measurement systems, including vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) systems and Hall effect measurement [...]
Continuing in the theme of last week's post, some further news on our progress in developing the THz-based materials characterization system:
We have been working hard on the terahertz front. Here is a quick summary of some of the things we have accomplished toward our goal of the terahertz system development, followed by a video with Dr. [...]