Lake Shore attended the American Physical Society Conference held in Baltimore on 3/18 to 3/22, as we do each year. In addition to technical papers presented by David Daughton and Jeff Lindemuth, [...]
Dr. David Daughton is an applications scientist at Lake Shore focused on characterizing electronic materials and devices. He received his BS and MS in physics from the University of Delaware and his [...]
We recently announced the development of our new continuously variable temperature (CVT) probe in a press release last month. This month we were excited about the opportunity to get together with [...]
Lake Shore will be attending the APS March meeting in Baltimore, March 18, through March 22. We are holding a Materials Research Forum on Wednesday the 20th, in the Latrobe Room at the Hilton [...]
This post and video is the final installment of our Model 8404 Hall Measurement System video series.
Recently, Dr. Jeff Lindemuth went to Case Western Reserve in Ohio to install a new VSM for the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
Recently, Jeff Dierker, Senior Consulting Engineer for Lake Shore, represented us at our booth at the Magnetics 2013 conference in Orlando, Florida. Jeff was kind enough to explain the basics of our [...]
If you own Lake Shore temperature instrumentation, you might receive a message on your screen of one of the following.
T. Over, T.Under, S.Over, S.Under
Last week, one of our installers, Dr. Jeffrey Lindemuth had the pleasure of traveling to Brazil to install a Model 7404 vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) at the Department of the Physics of [...]
Last week, Lake Shore and Princeton Measurements Corporation appeared at Lake Shore's exhibition booth to launch and celebrate PMC becoming a part of Lake Shore.