Terahertz Basics Video and Terahertz Progress at Lake Shore

We have been working hard on the terahertz front. Here is a quick summary of some of the things we have accomplished toward our goal of the terahertz system development, followed by a video with Dr. David Daughton on terahertz basics.

  • We delivered prototype systems to each of our three collaboration partners – OSU CEM, UDRI IDCAST, and AFRL. Materials study is now underway at all three sites.
  • We were awarded an Air Force STTR Phase 1 - “Terahertz Frequency Materials Testing at Cryogenic Temperatures and in High Magnetic Fields.”
  • We held product introduction and training meetings to orient Lake Shore’s global sales channel on the forthcoming system; the video below is one result of those training sessions.
  • We began our market launch with the first public exhibition of the intended system at the APS March Meeting, 2013, along with our Materials Characterization Forum (our APS video)
  • Dr. David Daughton delivered a paper at APS on early measurement results - F17.00012 High-resolution terahertz spectroscopy of Sr2CrReO6 at cryogenic temperatures and high magnetic fields
  • We are currently continuing our launch of the intended system with exhibition at the 2013 MRS Spring Meeting
  • We added a software engineer to augment development of systems application software
  • An article and video entitled The Last Frontier in Materials Characterization was published on Laboratorytalk

We hope you enjoy the video. For more information on ways to use THz energy to characterize properties of novel semiconductor and magnetic materials, visit our pages on terahertz or contact us at sales@lakeshore.com



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