Spotlight on the innovators at DMPI

This recent University of Virginia article spotlighting their “Top Innovators” gives a nice history of what led to the development of the unique GSG probe created by Dominion MicroProbes (DMPI), a [...]

New pricing for temperature controller/option card packages

Lake Shore is now offering new package pricing for Model 335, 336, or 350 temperature controllers ordered with a factory-installed option card—so you can more cost-effectively add control for [...]

SoftCal: when full sensor calibration isn’t required

Temperature sensors either follow a known standard response within a given tolerance, or they must be calibrated against known standards. Lake Shore provides different levels of sensor calibration [...]

New quick look videos on the Model 325 and the Model 224

We have released two new quick-look videos: the Model 325 temperature controller and the Model 224 temperature monitor. In these videos, Ryan Oliver, Sensors & Instruments Product Manager for Lake [...]

Sensor outgassing test data available

Outgassing is a significant concern when designing and sourcing components for long-term space missions. Because of the high-vacuum operating environment within spacecraft, material coatings or [...]

Pro Tip: Where to mount a cryogenic temperature sensor

Finding a good place to mount cryogenic sensors in some locations, like an already crowded cryostat, is never easy. In general, a setup where the entire load and sample is at the same temperature is [...]

Hall probe selection guide — give us your input

At various stages of the manufacturing process, an engineer or technician may be required to check to see if assemblies containing magnets meet certain specs. This could range from incoming [...]

Lake Shore to attend ITER conference in Europe next week

Lake Shore Cryotronics, along with Cryoforum, our authorized representative in France, will be attending next week’s Monaco-ITER International Fusion Energy Days (MIIFED)/ITER Business Forum (IBF) [...]

Lake Shore provides AC Hall measurements for PEC material research


Lake Shore has also been collaborating with scientists from the University of Texas (UT) at Austin, along with other institutions, in work aimed at developing more economically feasible [...]

Cryogenic probing in 2D electronic material research

Since isolated graphene was first reported in 2004, a lot of two-dimensional (2D) material research has focused on developing the strong, single-atom-thick material for end use in novel electronic [...]

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