Lake Shore customer featured on Chinese TV

Thanks to LinkPhysics, our authorized sales representative in China, for alerting us to this: a Lake Shore Cryotronics customer was recently featured on the China Central Television (CCTV) as one of [...]

New video presentation on using cryogenic probe stations for device R&D

To learn more about temperature-dependent characterization for device research, particularly as it relates to the use of our cryogenic probe stations with the Keysight Technologies B1500A [...]

Cryogenic monitoring in Fermilab’s Muon g-2 application

We recently linked to this article in our social media: a look at how scientists at work on the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab have been “shimming” a large magnetic ring to create “a magnetic field [...]

Advancing a HyperLoop pod design at Virginia Tech

Even if you have never heard of the HyperLoop pod competition, you are likely familiar with SpaceX, the company that launched the competition last year. They’re hoping this open-sourced initiative, [...]

More about the Model 372’s unique noise-rejection technology

Model 372 AC bridge and temperature controller

It’s been over a year since Lake Shore introduced the Model 372, the successor to our widely popular Model 370 AC resistance bridge. We are pleased to [...]

Register now for the 2nd Annual FORC Workshop in New Orleans

Dr. Leonard Spinu of the University of New Orleans providing an introduction to the use of FORC for researching nanostructured materials at the first FORC Workshop last year.

Last summer, Lake [...]

Lake Shore exhibiting at three conferences next week

Next week will be a busy one for us, with three events on our travel schedule:

The IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in San Francisco (Booth 2348), where Vaden West, Western U.S. Sales [...]

Drivers for Keysight B1500A/Lake Shore probe station integration now available

We have blogged about Lake Shore being a Solutions Partner of Keysight Technologies. As a follow-up, we are excited to announce that we now have drivers that will enable you to centrally automate [...]

New suitcase option for CPX, CPX-VF, and CRX-VF probe stations

If you’re looking for a simple way to transfer samples from a glovebox, drybox, or other inert atmosphere container to a high-vacuum, cryogenic probing environment, this may be of interest to you: a [...]

NETL researcher and Lake Shore collaborator receives PECASE award

Congratulations go out to U.S. Department of Energy scientist Dr. Paul Ohodnicki on his receiving of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientist and Engineers (PECASE), the highest honor [...]

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