Journal article highlights VSM-related nanostructured materials research

ZFC and FC magnetization curves of the system

 See this Journal of Nanomaterials article, “Microstructure and Superparamagnetic Properties of Mg-Ni-Cd Ferrites Nanoparticles,” detailing how [...]

Moving closer to release of new AC resistance bridge/controller

If you visited us at the APS March Meeting in Denver, you likely saw an early version of our new Model 372 on display. Or perhaps you have seen it on our website. This instrument represents the first [...]

Lake Shore probe station enables Georgia Tech high-speed chip R&D

IEEE Electron Device Letters, R&D Magazine,, MachineDesign.Com, and other publications published news out of Georgia Institute of Technology about achieving a significant milestone [...]

Graduate students from The Ohio State University tour Lake Shore

Lake Shore’s team draws from a number of technical and scientific fields. In addition to physics, chemistry, and materials science, employees come to us also from the fields of electrical, [...]

Visit Lake Shore at upcoming Argonne and Brookhaven meetings

If you’re planning to attend the APS/CNM/EMC Users’ Meeting next week at Argonne National Laboratory or the NSLS/CFN Joint Users’ Meeting at Brookhaven National Laboratory the following week, be sure [...]

Using AC field Hall measurement for determining PEC mobilities

If you have read anything about our 8400 Series HMS, you know that when used with its AC field Hall option, it’s capable of measuring low-mobility materials. These are the types of materials with [...]

The Value of Hall Effect Sensors in a Range of Devices

In a recently published EDN Network article, Jeffrey Dierker of Lake Shore Cryotronics discusses the value of Hall effect sensors and their history, describing the types of measurement for which Hall [...]

Reacting to the Recent News From NIF

Last Wednesday’s news out of Lawrence Livermore National Lab about a recent advancement toward achieving break-even energy, or “ignition,” is certainly positive. In case you haven’t heard, for the [...]

Research Collaborator Featured in IEEE Microwave Magazine

Dr. Hao Xin and his group in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department are collaborating with Lake Shore’s THz development team on our Phase I Air Force STTR grant

Lake Shore congratulates [...]

MicroMag™ VSM/AGM Video Tutorial From the University of Cambridge

As you probably already know, you can watch videos we have uploaded to our Lake Shore YouTube channel. But occasionally, you may also come across videos about Lake Shore products produced by our [...]

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