The study of new semiconducting materials, high temperature superconductors, photovoltaic devices, and organic electronic materials typically requires low-level sourcing and measurement because the [...]
Lake Shore Cryotronics
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New from Lake Shore Cryotronics: an installation kit that enables you to easily use a NanOsc Instruments PhaseFMR and PhaseFMR-40 spectrometer with our MeasureReady™ MCS-EMP or 8600 Series VSM [...]
One of the most unique features of our new modular MeasureReady™ M81-SSM synchronous source measure system is its patent-pending MeasureSync™ signal synchronization technology. This real-time [...]
It’s a question we get often from customers who are evaluating their options for sample cooling: What are the main differences between pulse tube cryocoolers (PT) and Gifford-McMahon cryocoolers (GM)?
With heavy hearts, we are sad to report that we recently lost a member of the Lake Shore Cryotronics family. Scott Griffith, who many of our colleagues and sales partners in the field interacted with [...]
A paper just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States describing the study of magnetofossils as environmental change biomarkers references the use of a [...]
Liquid helium is the lifeline of tens of thousands of scientists and engineers across the global discovery and innovation landscape, including universities, industries, and national laboratories. [...]
Have you ever looked at a product with specifications that seem too good to be true? As it turns out, you may be right. Far too many product specifications are carefully worded to sell units instead [...]
As magnets and assemblies arrive at your facility from magnet manufacturers, quality control engineers measure to confirm the performance of the unit's magnetic characteristics. Testing might involve [...]